Michael Stein
[Pop Culture - Aliens]
See how depictions of aliens have evolved over the years in popular and pulp magazines, comics, on TV, and in movies. Whether friendly visitor or fearsome invader, we learn that both the motive for, and method of, invasion has often been influenced by the social mood and politics of the era in which the magazine, comic, or movie was published or released. As for aliens' chosen method of invasion... not all aliens use ray guns to invade. Instead they employ "seed pods," mind control, and body transference--just a few of the alternative methods used by aliens to invade the minds and bodies of humans, thus bending them to their submission.
Visualized through the prism of pop culture in this thoroughly engaging 176-page book, which features more than 200 full-color illustrations, all of which are accompanied by extensive captions. Beginning with an overview of the Alien Invasion genre and continuing through nine chapters filled with the most insightful nuggets of information and eye-popping graphics this side of the Van Allen radiation belt.
Elephant Book (2020) 178 p. 22 x 25 cm - Hardcover