Hi-Fructose Magazine
[Art - Graphisme - Lowbrow]
Attaboy, Annie Owens et Yum Factory présentent dans ce numéro du magazine Hi-Fructose un mélange éclectique d’artistes underground et pop surréalistes du monde entier. Dans ce numéro (juillet 2015): A major feature on art pioneer Robert Williams, The colorful installations of Pip & Pop, a review of cover artist Kehinde Wiley's new monograph, Erin M. Riley's embroidered selfies, Chiho Aoshima's solo exhibition in Seattle, Cinta Vidal Agullo's mesmerizing paintings, new works from Portland artist Blaine Fontana, the paintings of Mike Davis, a thought provoking article on the art and travels of street artist Swoon, plus reviews on the Sick Rose; featuring medical illustrations from tester-year and much more! Also, We're thrilled to present this issue's special 16-page insert section featuring Winnie Truong's beautifully strange color pencil drawings, all in one issue!
Hi-Fructose Magazine (2013) 124 p. + insert 16 p. 21 x 28 cm - En Anglais